Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My GAME Plan Continued...

A very specific goal I have for my instruction is to incorporate class wiki's, one for each class. I want to get to the point that I maintain current information about each class on a regular basis so that those that are absent can access material they missed and students that struggle can get on and review. These wikis would also be the vehicle for learning. Students will create collaborative stories in Spanish for which they will add multi-media aspects and then future classes can access and "read" them. Further down the road we may even team up with a class in Spain or Guatemala or Chile.

To accomplish this goal I need access to a computer lab. I have that. I also need experience with wikis and how to teach using them. I have that (the hard way). Through the courses here at Walden I have played with podcasting and know how frustrating simple steps can become when the way to do them is not clear.

The only skill I lack is learning how to transfer different kinds of data from place to place. That act seems to be the one that gets me every time. I just need the data transfer skill. To try to develop this skill I need a tech hero (who doesn't). I could avail myself of the expertise of my school's IT guy. I don't have the mind map of how a podcast is moved and transferred (or transformed or why it even needs to be transformed) into different files that make it acceptable to other…platforms? I will keep you posted. If anyone knows of an awesome and very detailed "how-to" web-site please don't be shy. If the title is "Data Tranfer for Dummies" I won't be offended.


  1. Hi Jennifer -
    We have done podcasts and have had trouble having the students turn in their assignments. We use audacity and run into hurdles. We usually get them all in eventually, but it takes patience. You may see if your IT guy can set up a dropbox and distribution box. This has been huge for us. We are able to create folders for different classes and projects to help keep everything organized. It also allows us to store items when we've needed sample projects to show at later times we have a large array at our fingertips.

    Hope this helps.
    Good Luck!

  2. Jennifer -
    Sorry forgot to sign...

    Kathleen Cagle
    Math New Tech HS

  3. Thank you Kathleen! The voice of experience is always so welcome!
