Monday, March 15, 2010

Hello Walden Colleagues! I need a hand (or rather part of a story...) I want to know what a story would look like if I just started it on a blog and you could help me see what it will be like and possibly trouble shoot. If you have a minute, stop by my blog and follow the link in the upper right hand corner.


  1. Uhh...Make that click on this link.

    (Is it possible to edit posts that were already published?)

  2. I just posted. I think it's a fabulous idea. It would be interesting to give the same post as a starter for a blog and a wiki. How much might the story change if writers could change earlier segments of the story? I wonder which one would be more successful.

  3. Thanks, Kelly! The possibilities are really quite endless and that aspect (I hope) will spark interest and creativity in the students. I want to try it but want to work out possible bugs first. You can never guess what some of the bugs will be...
