Thursday, March 4, 2010 blog or not to blog

Even as I type this blog Microsoft Word lets me know in red that blog is still not an official word yet. I started this masters program thinking that because the students will be thrust into a world where computers are used more and more I need to model and facilitate learning and adapting to the changes in my culture and times; However when Dr. Thornburg took it a step further and made the distinction between doing things differently and doing different things I feel resistant (Laureate Education, inc. 2008). I feel pulled too fast and do not wish to kick and scream but in the book by Drs. Marzano, Pickering and Pollock there are well established research-based practices that are known to increase student learning and none of them mentioned doing different things with technology (2001). Convince me. Persuade me. Cite some evidence (formal or informal) that supports doing different things with technology. Maybe some of my colleagues have already done different things and can share their successes.


Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2007). “The Emergence of Educational
Technology” . [Motion picture]. Understanding the Impact of Technology on
Education, Work, and Society. Baltimore : Author.

November, A. C. (2008). Web Literacy for Educators. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin


  1. Yup...well. No answer. It is okay. Everyone feels the same way and has nothing to add. But you go Jennifer. You know you are just slow to warm up to these new ideas and how many times have you thought "wait a minute...this is too much right now" and been surprised at how you are able to arise to the occasion? Yeah it has been tough but it is worth it. Rah Rah Rah...Sis boom bah! Thornburg is right...after all what good is any tool unless you figure out how to use it? The mindset must change (Laureate Education, inc. 2008). And doing things differently is good and neccesary too (Lebeau, S. 2010) if that is all you can manage at the outset. Just don't stop!


    Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2007). “The Emergence of Educational Technology” . [Motion picture]. Understanding the Impact of Technology on Education, Work, and Society. Baltimore : Author.

    Lebeau,S. 2010 2010

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Jennifer,
    I believe I am the first to respond to your blog. I see that you are very comfortable with your blog. I am still coming to terms with it. I had problems signing up with some of the sites, so that is why I ended up with the travel blog site. I must say it is an interesting experience and worthy of a go in my classroom. You go, girl!


  4. Pauline, I was surprised by your blog address but thought that maybe in Trinidad that was the best free site available to you. Aren't I quaint; thinking that you would be limited by location on the internet! Thank you for responding to my blog! Now I know for sure it is working! I am glad I appear comfortable. I truly feel like a cat trying to fly.


  5. I am having serious problems getting onto the regulated blogsites. So I stumbled onto this one. At first, I did not like the blog site because it seems too tropical (a travel log),but now I am getting accustomed to it, and it certainly adds a different touch to things, huh! I makes me feel like going on a cruise - education: tropical style!

    Pauline Branker
